Case Study

Car Dealership

Located in the heart of the College District, this dealership decided to redevelop their flagship car lot with a beautiful new multi-story showroom.



The dealership occupied the site for 75 years and over that time the local University grew and the main thoroughfare expanded. Realizing that there is an opportunity to modernize the car lot, the owners decided to redevelop the site with all of the modern amenities.

During demo and redevelopment it was discovered that the site’s historical fueling operations and car washing facilities had polluted the soil and groundwater. The site was constrained on all sides with buildings and sidewalks so the remediation was very technical and had to be done during the redevelopment to make it as efficient as possible.

The UN-budgeted funding needed for the cleanup was threatening their timeline and in-turn increasing costs.

Process & Research


The client hired Restorical with a challenge: find the policies as fast as possible and assist in getting coverage and funding flowing.

Prior to the demo of the old building, the dealership did a great job of destroying files, including insurance policies. Our insurance archaeologists took this as a challenge and diligently worked on uncovering historical insurance. Our starting point was a 2009 garage policy – nothing remarkable about it.

With hard work, lots of interviews and several on and off-site digs, we hit pay-dirt at a retired bookkeepers storage unit. There we were able to piece together tertiary evidence and re-construct policies in the early 80s.

Our researches were working in parallel to document the historical operations and we created a comprehensive claims package in record time so that the construction timeline was not adversely impacted.

Our Results


Our clients redevelopment timeline was kept intact.

The UN-budgeted cleanup costs were funded with historical insurance policies and our client did not have to take their eyes off the redevelopment as Restorical was able to quarterback the claim’s process and accounting tracking.

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